dateFormat MM-DD
title Roadmap*
section stretch goals
tutorial UI Theme: track1, 4d
tutorial Story Swapping: 4d
tutorial Many Unit List: 4d
Addressables compatible API: 4d
talk on Asset Soup: 4d
talk on mobile memory: 4d
section other versions
gitlab build server: 4d
other versions of Unity : 4d
section more features
ideas portal/bug tracking: 2d
Alias support: 2d
Automated Texture Settings: 4d
Hot swappable Prefab Themes: 4d
* All time estimates are not promises of delivery dates. They are SWAG (Scientific Wild @ss Guesses) intended to give an indication of what we plan on working on, in what order.
Stretch Goals | Things that will make it easier on people to understand how to use these tools. |
Other Versions | This tools supports many versions of Unity3d already. However we need to do some work to build a test system that can run all the different versions of Unity on different platforms. |
More Features | There are more features planned too! Mostly improvements to the Building side, but a lot of great stuff we have in mind. |