Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Protected Attributes | Properties | List of all members
AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation:
AssetBundleLoadOperation AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFullAsync AssetBundleLoadAssetOperationFullSync

Public Member Functions

abstract T  GetAsset< T > ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AssetBundleLoadOperation
abstract bool  IsDone ()
  Determines whether this instance is done. More...
abstract void  Process (BundleManager manager, AssetBundle bundle, string error)
  Handle the result of a download. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool  IsMissingAssetError (string error)

Static Protected Attributes

const string  EditorMissingAssetText = "There is no asset with name"
const string  MissingAssetText = "Asset not found with name"


bool  IsMissingAsset [get]
- Properties inherited from AssetBundleLoadOperation
override bool  keepWaiting [get]
static int  activeCount [get]
  When active, not safe to UnloadUnusedAssets More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AssetBundleLoadOperation
string  Error
  Only valid after IsDone; always non-null on error. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AssetBundleLoadOperation
void  StartLoad ()
void  DoneLoad ()